Thursday, June 28, 2012

Girl Behind the Blog - A Little More

I'm a little late, but here it is nonetheless.  I wanted to do it yesterday, but didn't feel like changing out of pajamas or washing my hair... Please excuse the fidgeting and awkward faces; I was so nervous, I couldn't sit still!!!



  1. You are so cute!! And really funny. "you'll think youre walking into your grandmas house" haha. So glad you linked up!

  2. Oh! You are too cute!!! And I can hear that Minnesota accent perfectly! Uf-da, ya betcha'!

  3. Awww I wish I could watch at work! I'll watch tonight - am laughing about your being so nervous!! ;) I [finally] passed on your award and nominated you for one as well today!

  4. You are seriously the cutest! I think it is impossible for someone to watch this video and not want to be your friend! I love that you have needlepoint everywhere! My mama does cross-stitch so that kind of thing always reminds me of home :)

  5. Aww so cute! You did a fabulous job AND have made a new follower =] What part of Germany are you in now? I was born in Ansbach.

  6. I love putting the voice with the face!! And... you still have a little bit of the MinnesOHta accent! I LOVE it!!

  7. Thanks for sharing your vlog -you didn't sound nervous at all!!! :)

  8. I love being able to put voices to faces and you seriously have the cutest voice ever.


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