The weather here in Germany has been a tad depressing lately. Take the fact that we had a morning of snow on Monday...I'm used to a possibility of snow in April for Minnesota, but here? After almost a month of wonderful sunshine? Seems as though winter drear is here to stay forever. But, every once in a great while there is a break in the clouds and the sun pours in. The pups and I run out the door in these moments to take full advantage of the rare rays of light. And while the gloomy weather takes up a good portion of our days here, there are still signs that spring is trying to break through to join us.
This pretty lady was waiting for me when I walked outside this morning. |
The majority of my routine path is still a drab brown, but this little section brightened up my walk considerably. |
My favorite bench. Not a huge change from fall, but quite a big difference from winter. |
I managed to get Sass to sit still for two seconds for a quick picture. |
And of course Ninja puts on a huge smile. Proof he's the best dog in the world. |
So there's a little taste of an early German spring in my life. How is the weather treating you in your part of the world?
Spring in Texas is just beautiful, thank you for asking. I really enjoyed seeing your gorgeous really have great artistry!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you're having great weather! You should send some of it my way :). I'm a little tired of wearing my heavy coat every time I step outside. I'm glad you like the pictures, using my camera is the highlight of my days.
DeleteBeautiful pictures! I especially like the last one of that ADORABLE pup you have!!
Thank you :). It's by far my favorite of him so far, and only took a good ten minutes to capture!
Deleteohhhhh I LOOOOVE those pictures!! Thanks to Utah's hilarious amount of dryness paired with the pollination of enough Mormon flowers to fill the Great Salt Lake, I have a sinus infection that's paired with a migraine. IT'S AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteAnd by awesome I mean, I am depressed because I can only sit here and cough and wheeze instead of go out and enjoy the sun. But this looks so beautiful!! I'm jealous. I miss Europe.
Allergies are absolutely no fun. If it makes you feel better, there are horses beside the paths I walk on, and as soon as I'm in range, I sneeze every two seconds and have to feel my way from tree to tree since my eyes are so swollen shut. Hope Utah starts cooperating with you soon!
DeleteWe've been having a mix of sunshine and rain in Pennsylvania. Not too bad though, I'll take it over the cold weather.
ReplyDeleteAnd your pictures are GORGEOUS, what kind of camera/lens do you use?
I will be hitting you up for photography tips.
I agree, that weather sounds much better than cold. I have a Nikon D5000, and my little 35mm lens is permanently attached to the end of it. I have others, but that's my go to for every day shots like the ones above. And I would love to help out, but I'm not sure how useful I'll be since I honestly don't know much about photography. What little I am capable of is self taught, but I can always try!
RAINY RAINY RAINY here. Sun will be out this weekend... good for our pup!
DeleteI just moved to Germany from CA and the rain and snow has me missing CA sunshine sometimes, but the SUN IS OUT TODAY! How long have you been in Germany? Despite the weather and lack of mexican food, I LOVE IT HERE!
I moved here from California as well! The Sacramento area. You? We've only been here for six months, but have already been to Garmisch twice because I love it so much. And I'm super jealous you are right there! If you lived a little closer to Kaiserslautern, I would point out quite a few decent Mexican joints we have, but I don't think anything will come close to CA Mexican restaurants.
Gorgeous pictures! And your dogs are precious!
ReplyDeleteI really hope spring comes to you asap! And if it makes you feel better.... we had a snow blizzard 1 week ago in Utah :) But today its 90 degrees. Crazy weather!
Wow, 90? I'll be happy with a moderate 70-75. And yes, your crazy weather does make me feel loads better ;). Hope it straightens itself out soon!