Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Calling all sponsors!

My surprise jump from one look to another unfortunately abandoned some of my dearest blogger friends, leaving me stranded without their ads on the page.  If you happen to be one of them, or maybe you're just interested in throwing your buttons up on the blog, head over to the Sponsor button in the left column.  Now that we officially have internet [seriously, you have no idea how excited I am], I'll be able to better promote and love on future swap buddies more than usual.  And all I ask in return is that you put my nifty little button up on your blog as well!  I've made some great friends this way, and hope to continue to do so.  Can't wait to see your blog advertised here next!!!


  1. This is totally me. LOL. I let it expire and totally forgot. Fixing this now! :)

  2. Love your new blog design, would love to swap buttons again if you'd like. Let me know! :)


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